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How to Add New Event?

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There are 2 methods to add new event in the calendar

First method

  • “Add New Event” button
  • Select the date on the calendar
    1. Proceed to Calendar > Add New Event
    2. Fill in the form to add new event
      • Including the event title, remarks, date and time of event
      • User also able to choose to share the event with whom or which team
    3. Then, click the “Save Event” button to update the calendar

Second method

  1. Proceed to Calendar > Select a date > New Event
    • this method automatically chooses the date of start – end event
    • this method also able user to make “New Preventive” and “New Corrective”
  2. Fill in the form to add new event
    • including the event title, remarks, date and time of event
    • user also able to choose to share the event with whom or which team
  3. Then, click the “Save Event” button to update the calendar

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